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Bishnupur Mallabhum B.Ed. College

(A  B.Ed. & D.El.Ed. Composite Institute)
Recognized by N.C.T.E. & Affiliated to The University  of Burdwan & West Bengal Board of Primary Education


Bishnupur is the perfect short winter break destination from ...

The historical glory about Bishnupur is famous not only in the India but in the World. The Bishnupur Mallabhum B.Ed College is one of the feather of the Bishnupur. This college is situated in the stone throwing distance of the Lalbandh, beside the BPIE Polytechnic College.

The Pupil teachers of the college are very interested, for doing the educational activities among the rural and urban primary schools to impart the elementary education and create the awareness about education among the rural and urban people since its birth

Bishnupur Mallabhum B.Ed. College is an endeavour of Sreejan Samsad Society (A Charitable and Welfare Organization). At present the said entrepreneur has been running 24 Educational Institutions in five districts of West Bengal under BPIE Group, under the leadership of Mr. Satya Sadhan Dutta, a man of innovative ideas and indomitable spirit.