Mr. Satya Sadhan Dutta
The educational and occupational scene not only in West Bengal but also in all over India is rapidly changing everyday.Young students in the schools also find themselves in the grip of personal adjustment problems.They need some mentor and guide to help them in the crisis situation.Specifically after Covid -19 era, education sector will see a major change in each and every field.To adjust with the modern trend and situation, skilled teacher is what we need.Keeping this in mind,On the basis of N.P.E. 1986 and S.S.A. from 2015, Sreejan Samsad Society has set up Bishnupur Mallabhum B Ed College at Mayrapukur Saradagram Campus to produce the quality teacher to fulfill the needs of the present society as well as the new generation of the learner.
We are always keen to make something new, to make trainee teachers skilled in various fields. That’s why we offer various educational programs, advanced research, outreach activities and professional services Which made Bishnupur Mallabhum B.Ed. College – a leading teacher training college in the temple city of West Bengal.
Over the next coming years, I hope, the College will make every effort to continue to be recognized in the region for its outstanding education, research and community engagement, and for the quality of its socially responsible graduates.
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